The problem
How does a grassroots, community-led charity use it's new crowdfunded land purchase to sustain its work in youth camps well into the future?
The solution
spur: facilitated Camp Icthus through an intensive strategy visioning session to identify its goals and opportunities for the coming years as a force for change in young people's lives.
Project updates
Chameleon House is now implementing the strategy.
The Problem
Lack of sustainable funding
Chameleon Youth Housing (Chameleon House) provides youth crisis accommodation for young people and young parenting families with the vision of “valuing young people to value themselves”.
Youth housing is incredibly resource-intensive, requiring large amounts of capital to fund infrastructure, people, and myriad physical resources.
Chameleon House's business strategy includes the creation of an annual fundraising campaign. The core Chameleon House team is highly skilled and dedicated, but need support in thinking creatively and, more importantly, thinking beyond "just the novelty” to design a multi-year campaign rooted in business sustainability.
The Solution
Collaborative workshop
spur: was engaged to facilitate an immersive, full-day workshop with the Chameleon House board in order to co-design a multi-year approach to campaign fundraising. This included several months of ongoing mentoring.

The workshop elicited over two-dozen activation benchmarked against resources, effort and passion.
Additionally, as a relatively new executive, it provided a deeply important opportunity for the board to bond, improve communication and find common ground.
The Process
Multi-faceted brainstorming
The workshop covered the following key content:
1 · Values
Alignment of Chameleon House's values, themes, ethics and approaches.
2 · Impact Measurement
Deep dive to map Chameleon House's impact, and ability to measure this impact.
3· Campaign Brainstorm
Generative session using values and clear metrics to design campaign possibilities. Participants utilised the spur: 'Romeo Juliet' impact model to understand the effect pf any campaign, including possible metrics to measure.
3· Resource Cross-Referencing
Analysis of campaign brainstorm ideas against logistical considerations. Participants were invited to rate the 13 ideated activations according to logistics, resources, impact and love.
The Impact
A clear roadmap of action
Post-workshop, Chameleon House were supplied with a comprehensive summary document which contains a record all artefacts, ideas, and conversations generated throughout the workshop. The summary document acts as a blueprint for Chameleon House to use over the next several years as they deliver the campaign.